Urban green spaces contribute to improve air quality, soil fertility and water retention, attenuate urban noise and cool the surrounding areas. They also function as leisure places, fostering social integration, health and well-being of users.
Through measures for the requalification and maintenance of green spaces, the project aims to enhance the ability to adapt to climate change and the promotion of biodiversity within the pilot area. The surface occupied by native vegetation will be increased, efficient irrigation systems will be installed, and techniques for retaining soil moisture will be implemented, thus reducing water consumption in the management of green spaces.
Volunteering, sports, and leisure activities will also be carried out to involve and raise awareness among the community about the benefits of these spaces in the development of more sustainable and resilient cities.
As part of the green areas redevelopment project, we will convert some of the irrigated lawns, to non-irrigated meadows, in the pilot area.
Meadows are made with a mixture of native plants, which provide ideal habitats for pollinators.
In cities, meadows are an essential tool for climate change adaptation. . They subsist only on rainwater and are more resilient to periods of drought.
Learn about the advantages of non-irrigated meadows:
- promote biodiversity;
- ensure soil conservation and reduce the risk of erosion;
- reduce water consumption (they subsist only on rainwater);
- contribute to the mitigation of climate change through carbon sequestration;
- eliminate the need to apply fertilizers or phytosanitary treatments;
- require less maintenance;
- allow you to "feel/observe" the seasons of the year;
Learn more abort the Cascais non-irrigated meadows project here.